File Lock is developed to help you in locking or hiding your files, folders and drives. It gives you the possibility to protect your privacy by protecting your sensitive information from unwanted access, giving you several tools to do it. Principal options are: prevent access to any of your files, folders or a complete drive by locking them; hide files or folders making them completely invisible. The program can deny accessing, opening, reading, modifying, moving, copying and deleting tasks for locked items. Files and sub-folders in a locked folder are also protected. Therefore, you can use this application to lock your CD/DVD drives. This way, no user, program or even Windows Explorer will be able to find hidden items.
The program will also keep chosen protection under Windows Safe Mode. This tool will not modify protected files or folders and it will not automatically encrypt your files, but it gives you an encryption tool to use it if you need. Other remarkable features are: possibility of setting a “trusted programs” list to temporarily allow a selected application to access the protected information; invisible running mode for File lock software; schedule options for each locked/hidden item. File Lock supports multiple user accounts but only the administrator user can view and manage all the locked items and uninstall this software. The interface is very simple and convenient. more
Lock and hide your dearest files and folders on internal and external disks.
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